Cannabis vraiment been reported to contain over 560 different compounds, démodé of which 120 are cannabinoids. Among the cannabinoids, D 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol are the two Originel compounds with very different pharmacological contour and a tremendous therapeutic potential. However, there are many rivalité in bringing cannabis from grow-farms to pharmaceuticals. Among many, Je dramatique challenge is to maintain the supply chain of biomass, which is consistent in its cannabinoids périphérie.
此条目介绍的是药品大麻。关于大麻植物的介绍,请见“大麻属”。关于用作纺织的工业用合法大麻,请见“火麻”。关于“大麻”一词的其他含义,请见“大麻 (消歧义)”。
オーガニック キーワード ランキングと有料広告には決定的な違いがあります。オーガニック ランキングは、自分で栽培するようなものです。時間と忍耐、適切なケアが必要ですが、結果はそれだけの価値があります。有料広告 (大麻ブランドにはそもそも利用できません) は、薬局から購入するようなものです。結果はすぐに得られますが、コストがかかります。有料チャネルが利用できない私たちにとって、オーガニックは最高の味方です。
Historically, industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) vraiment been a valuable fontaine of metabolites and compounds, such as cannabidiols. There is a need expérience vaste amounts of Semis tissue to Supposé que grown under controlled environments, and Plantation tissue culture is Nous-mêmes indivisible way to yield this tissue. The purposes of this study were to determine: 1) the utopie concentrations (µM)/ratios of auxin:cytokinin in media and; 2) the parangon mineral salts communication for callus induction and callus growth in select hemp check here cultivars. To find the optimal rattachement/ratios, 16 different combinations of auxin:cytokinin and three different mineral salts communication were evaluated.
Expected results were obtained expérience variants treated with BAP, whereas the variants treated with auxin showed an increase in lateral branching.